Primary school | Headington Middle School |
When were you in year 6? | 2001 |
What do you do now? | I work in Human Resources for the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust |
Did I.M.P.S. help to influence this in any way? | I don’t think so. I do remember we learned about mouth to mouth and the dummy was called Mrs Green. We had to ask ‘Mrs Green, Mrs Green, are you ok?’ |
Have you ever used any I.M.P.S. skills? | Luckily, I have never been in a situation where I have needed them. |
Does your job require you to use any risk management, injury prevention or first aid skills? | No it doesn’t. |
Do you think your I.M.P.S. training has made a difference to you? | I do think it was worthwhile especially for kids of that age, you never know when anything could happen. |
Jaleesa Douglas
September 10, 2015