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Lily saves the day

Ten year old Lily Chorley put her I.M.P.S. skills into action when her little sister began to choke. Lily says ‘I gave her 5 back blows as I had learnt that this was the right thing to do when I was at I.M.P.S. training in Witney.  We called NHS Direct (111).  They put us through […]

‘I was so impressed…….’ says Andy from SCAS

Following a recent visit to Oxfordshire I.M.P.S. Andy and Monica who both work at South Central Ambulance Service sent us these very positive feedback comments. “I was so impressed to see classes of school children being taught how to call 999, do CPR and even use a defibrillator. They even toured the A&E department and […]

Rhodri makes the call

Rhodri Jones is 13 years old and a pupil at Woodeaton  Manor Special School called 999 after he found a man collapsed at a bus stop. Rhodri, who often finds speaking difficult, remembered being taught what to do in an emergency and called for an ambulance. He went through the I.M.P.S. programme three years ago, at […]

Nicole keeps calm

Ten year old Nicole Faux from West Kidlington Primary School kept very calm when her mother recently suffered a nasty injury to her hand at home. Nicole says ‘I was able to help her because I knew what to do because of the I.M.P.S course. I told my mummy to keep her arm up to stop […]

I.M.P.S. boy helps his sister

In November, Hull I.M.P.S. received a letter from a teacher at one of the schools who had been on the programme. ‘Last year one of our Yr 6 pupils used his I.M.P.S. training in a  very positive way when his older sister experienced a seizure in the shower and fainted. Straight away he calmly ensured she was in the recovery […]

A trip to the hospital – John Blandy School, Oxfordshire

On the 24th November, Year 6 went to Abingdon minor injuries to do I.M.P.S.(Injury Minimization programme for schools). When they went they learned how to do CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), the recovery position and how to prevent injuries. The year 6 looked at pictures of X- rays and then they got their fingers plastered and […]

My Emergency 999 Call

It was a late Saturday night and I was visiting my nanny and grandad at their home in Norfolk. I was getting ready for bed when suddenly my nanny ran quickly into her conservatory. After about five minutes she hadn’t returned to the living room where my sister Kayleigh, my grandad and I were. So […]

I.M.P.S. girl helps mum

Hayley from Sonning Common Primary School, Oxfordshire sent us a letter explaining how she helped her mum after her I.M.P.S. visit to the John Radcliffe Hospital: We were getting ready for my dad to come and pick us up to take us to the Henley Show as my mummy was not feeling well. Mum had […]

Saved by son, 10

A Ten-year-old boy who sprang into action when his mum collapsed has been praised by doctors. Quick-thinking Nicolas Padron-Skalisz used the skills he learned just months earlier when his class took part in the I.M.P.S. programme. His mum, Anna, who had been struck down by a virus, credits her son with saving her life. “I […]

Nicolas and his mum

Girl, 11, steps in to save mother

An 11-year old girl has been praised for using first aid to help her mother after she fell down the stairs during a fit. Aroosah Khan, a year six pupil at St Francis School, Horsepath, Oxford, used skills she learned just two weeks earlier at Oxford’s John Radcliffe hospital, where she and classmates were being […]