Sarah Briggs a teacher at Bude Primary School in Hull swiftly leapt into action recently when one of her pupils was choking.
Here is the story in Sarah’s own words.
‘At the Christmas party, I happened to look across the classroom and noticed a pupil, who was coughing. I kept watching her and she was making the short coughing sounds I had remembered from watching the I.M.P.S. DVD. Although it must have only taken a couple of seconds to cross the classroom, I knew what I had to do by the time I got to the pupil in question. Before taking her into another room, I had sent for the nearest member of staff who was a first aider. I administered the first set of back slaps, by which time the first aider arrived and I administered another set of back slaps. Nothing was happening, so the first aider used the manoeuvre of putting the fist below the ribs from behind the pupil and pulling inwards and upwards. Immediately, the food dislodged itself and the pupil was fine afterwards! She attended Accident and Emergency as a precaution, which is the standard procedure.
I was certainly glad I always pay attention during I.M.P.S. sessions!’
We are pleased you pay attention too Sarah!