Primary school | Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School |
When were you in year 6? | 2006 |
What do you do now? | I am a paediatric nursing student at Oxford Brookes University. |
Have you ever used any I.M.P.S. skills? | I use my prevention skills all the time during my day to day life caring for children. It is really important not to drink hot drinks near babies and young children to prevent scalds. |
Does your job require you to use any risk management, injury prevention or first aid skills? | Yes it does. Working on the children’s wards provides plenty of opportunities me me to use risk management, injury prevention adn occasionally first aid skills. An example of this is remembering to put the sides of a cot back up after caring for an infant to prevent them falling out causing injury. |
Do you think your I.M.P.S. training has made a difference to you? | Yes it did. I was thrilled to be on placement with I.M.P.S. when my old primary school came on their hospital visit. This placement refreshed my memory of the first aid skills and injury prevention that my job requires and has reminded me of the steps involved in this. |
Tara-Kate Hartigan
January 15, 2015