Primary school | Neasden Primary School |
When were you in year 6? | 2005-2006 |
What do you do now? | Marketing for First Step Sports Group |
Did I.M.P.S. help to influence this in any way? | No, but I remember quite clearly how to do the recovery position and how to do compressions. I also remember getting a little pot made on your finger during the visit which I still have to this day! |
Have you ever used any I.M.P.S. skills? | Luckily I haven’t been in a situation where I have had to use these skills yet. However, I fell confident about knowing what to do if the situation does arise. |
Does your job require you to use any risk management, injury prevention or first aid skills? | My job requires me to have first aid skills. I do the marketing for the First Step Sports Group which is a company that goes into schools and also provides camps for children. Sometimes I do go into schools and the camps to take images, therefore my job does require me to have first aid skills in the event that something happens while I am on site at these places. It is also useful if somebody in the office was to need assistance. |
Do you think your I.M.P.S. training has made a difference to you? | I would say it has made a difference to me. It has made me more aware of my surroundings and as I was young when I was trained by I.M.P.S. it gave me an awareness at a young age which has stuck with me until this day. |
June 21, 2017