Primary school | St Michael’s Primary School, Marston. |
When were you in year 6? | 2010-2011 |
What do you do now? | I am at Abingdon and Witney College. When I leave college I want to work as a porter at the JR Hospital. I have been accepted to do a supported internship next year, and I am really hoping that I can do it there. |
Did I.M.P.S. help to influence this in any way? | I remember being shown how to do CPR, dialling 999 in an emergency, and we had a tour around the A and E department |
Have you ever used any I.M.P.S. skills? | I dialled 999 once when someone was ill in the bus queue that I was in. (you can read more about Rhodri’s story ) |
Does your job require you to use any risk management, injury prevention or first aid skills? | Yes, when I’m volunteering at the hospital. One day a week I volunteer at the JR hospital. I had to go on the volunteers’ induction course and fire safety training, which means that I know what to do if there is an emergency at the hospital. |
Do you think your I.M.P.S. training has made a difference to you? | Yes. I’m generally more careful when I’m at home. I always make sure I use a circuit breaker when I use the lawnmower, and I test our smoke alarms to make sure they are working. |
Rhodri Jones
June 05, 2019