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Useful Links

National organisations

Links for young people

  • Firstpoint
    Signposts to lots of useful information
  • Ali-A saves the day
    You Tube gaming legend Ali-A shows what to do if someone is having a seizure.
  • Childnet International
    Their aim is to help make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people.
  • Kids Health
    An American site that has information on kid’s health specifically designed for kids.
  • Rise above
    This website is full of help and advice about everything to do with growing up and learning about relationships.
  • Oxfordshire
    You can get help here from the school nursing service.
  • Self Harm 
    Self-harm or self-injury is when someone does something to damage their own body. It can go on for years and is more common than most people realise.
  • RNLI
    The RNLI’s site for young people – full of activities, games and videos.

Site contributors